By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:-
- Understanding the objective of the subject
- Grasp the true meaning of Islam as a complete religion.
Islam is a religion and its message was revealed to the last prophet to mankind, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), after whom no more revelations from Allah to man will take place. Islam is the perfect religion based on the final message, and its teachings guide man in life in the most complete and comprehensive manner addressing all aspects of our life, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Islam does not require blind acceptance, but man has been given his intellect, his mind and reasoning, so that he can understand and apply its teaching. Allah does not ask us to follow His commands blindly and without thinking, mechanically like robots, but learn them, understand them, and use our own mind to put these commands into practice.
The message of Islam contains theoretical and practical teachings. It does not only address doctrine of faith and belief (eternal life after death, punishment and reward) but also practical commands. Faith itself is incomplete and meaningless without our right actions and practice. As example, the message of Islam contains the pillars of faith (belief in Allah, the Hereafter, the Angles, the Prophets, etc) but also instruction on how to practice worship (how to pray, fast, perform hajj, etc) and how to punish crime (law).
Man is different from animals as he is given a soul. He has a body that makers him seek food and shelter but that alone cannot satisfy him, foe he has spiritual needs as well, his instinct tells him to worship his creator. The message of Islam provides given man the truth about his God, Allah, who alone deserves to be worshiped Allah he will start worshiping something else instead, such as unreal gods, other humans, or himself. The message of Islam has been sent to ensure until the end of time that man knows his God, Allah, and worship Him alone in the right way. It also instructs him on how to live his life according to his own nature balancing between his physical (body) and his spiritual nature (body).